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The EBER­HARD fami­ly busi­ness com­pri­ses three busi­ness sec­tors: pre­cisi­on parts, electri­cal who­le­sa­le and kit­chen. The com­pa­ny was estab­lis­hed in 1933 in Nord­heim, Ger­ma­ny. Today, we are a glo­bal manu­fac­tu­rer of pre­cisi­on parts, a regio­nal electri­cal who­le­sa­ler and a local kit­chen stu­dio and fit­ter for the Heil­bronn regi­on. We con­ti­nue to be a fami­ly-owned company.


EBER­HARD Pre­cisi­on Parts
is a lea­ding glo­bal manu­fac­tu­rer
of high-pre­cisi­on stan­dard-
and spe­cial com­pon­ents.
We pro­du­ce “MADE IN GER­MA­NY“
at our sites in Nord­heim and Ohrdruf.


EBER­HARD Electri­cal Who­le­sa­le
is a com­pe­tent and reli­able part­ner
for the electri­cal tra­de, ser­vicing
electri­cal retailers, indus­try, and
switch cabi­net con­struc­tion in the
wider Heil­bronn and Chem­nitz regions.


EBER­HARD Kit­chen Heil­bronn
offers indi­vi­du­al­ly tailo­red and
crea­ti­ve con­sul­ta­ti­ons for the
design, plan­ning and instal­la­ti­on
of cus­tom made domestic and
com­mer­cial kitchens.






1933The brothers Eugen and Willi Eberhardestablish Gebrüder Eberhard, acompany for electrical circuit breakerproduction in Nordheim, Germany. 1945After the end of World War II, Willi and his wifeLore Eberhard focus on the production and tradeof small electrical (domestic) appliancesin Bahnhofstraße, Nordheim. 1963The production of small appliances createsan opportunity to expand as a supplier of coil cores and magnesium housings for largeindustrial customers. This developmentlater leads into the production of standardand special components for toolmaking.The production relocates to a new factorybuilding, to its current address on Lerchenstraße. 1969The electrical wholesale business remains atBahnhofstraße, Nordheim. Kitchen sales commencefollowing contacts established during thewholesale trade with kitchen manufacturers. 1973 / 1980The second generation steps in the family business.Ulrich Eberhard primarily oversees EBERHARDPrecision Parts, while his brother Roland Eberhardis responsible for EBERHARD Electrical Wholesale. 1983EBERHARD Electrical Wholesale and Kitchen relocates to a newly built sitein Heilbronn-Böckingen on Reinerstraße.The wholesaler develops into a full-rangesupplier, the installation and lighting technology sectors grow. 1992After the fall of the Berlin Wall, two morelocations are built in the new federal states. EBERHARD Electrical Wholesale opens a locationin Chemnitz, which moves to Gornau shortlyafterwards. 1992EBERHARD Precision Parts acquiresPolytechnic centre in Ohrdruf,Thuringia. 2009Construction of an additional production hallincluding an administration wing at Lerchenstraßein Nordheim. The total available production andoffice space is now over 13,000 m². 2017The third generation steps in thefamily business. Cousins Fabian and Manuel Eberhard assume responsibilityin all three business sectors. 2018Acquisition of Belle Maschinenbau in Bretzfeld.The location now operates as our exclusivemachine development and maintenancecentre. 2019Acquisition of a premise formerly occupiedby Schade and Lamminger furniture store on Lämlinstraße in Heilbronn-Böckingen. The building allows expansion of the storage and logisticscapacities for the electrical wholesale. 2024Complete renovation and refurbishment of theshowroom at EBERHARD Küchen in Heilbronn.With a new atmosphere and highly modernkitchen exhibits, the latest developments in the market are presented at Böckingen.
2024Complete renovation and refurbishment ofthe showroom at EBERHARD Küchen inHeilbronn. With a new atmosphereand highly modern kitchen exhibits,the latest developmentsin the market arepresented in Böckingen. 2019Acquisition of a premise formerly occupied bySchade and Lamminger furniture store on Lämlinstraßein Heilbronn-Böckingen. The building allows expansion of the storage and logistics capacitiesfor the electrical wholesale. 2018Acquisition of Belle Maschinenbau in Bretzfeld.The location now operates as our exclusive machine development and maintenancecentre. 2017The third generation steps in thefamily business. Cousins Fabian and ManuelEberhard assume responsibility in allthree business sectors. 2009Construction of an additional production hall including an administration wing atLerchenstraße in Nordheim. The totalavailable production and office spaceis now over 13,000 m². 1992EBERHARD Precision Parts acquiresPolytechnic Centre in Ohrdruf, Thuringia. 1992After the fall of the Berlin Wall, two morelocations are built in the new federalstates. EBERHARD Electrical Wholesale opensa location in Chemnitz, which moves toGornau shortly afterwards. 1983EBERHARD Electrical Wholesale and Kitchenrelocates to a newly built site in Heilbronn-Böckingen on Reinerstraße. The wholesalerdevelops into a full-range supplier, theinstallation and lighting technology sectors grow. 1973 / 1980The second generation steps in thefamily business. Ulrich Eberhard primarily oversees EBERHARD PrecisionParts, while his brother Roland Eberhard isresponsible for EBERHARD ElectricalWholesale. 1969The electrical wholesale business remains at Bahnhofstraße, Nordheim. Kitchen sales commence following contacts established during the wholesale trade with kitchen manufacturers. 1963The production of small appliances creates an opportunity to expand as a supplier of coilcores and magnesium housings for largeindustrial customers. This development laterleads into the production of standardand special components for toolmaking.The production relocates to a new factorybuilding, to its current address on Lerchenstraße. 1945After the end of World War II, Williand his wife Lore Eberhard focuson the production and trade ofHandel von elektrischen(Haushalts-)Kleingeräten. 1933Eugen und Willi Eberhard gründen in Nordheim(Württ.) ein Unternehmen zur Herstellungelektrischer Sicherungsautomaten. Eugen Eberhard fällt im Krieg.